Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Are EBooks Easy to Publish?

The modern day books are the digital versions of your normal paperback or hardback books, and the former is much easier to publish and promote than the physical copies of books. In fact, you can easily market an eBook even if you are a newbie in the publishing industry. Self-publishing authors have an easy way out with EBooks.

It would be wrong to say that EBooks have surpassed the traditional books, but they have definitely complemented the sales of the traditional books. New and inexperienced authors find promoting their works through EBooks much easier and cheaper than through the traditional mode.

Effective Planning and Strategizing

Does marketing an EBook doesn’t involve so much planning and strategizing like the traditional mode of marketing? Can you do away with some steps? Do aesthetics like attractive posters, banners, and impactful promotional materials no longer play an importance? The answer to all this is a definite no-no.

These factors play a huge role even when you have adopted the digital mode of marketing. In the digital mode, this takes the form of designing an attractive and impactful cover page, design, and extract that both interests and intrigues people.

Deliver What is in Demand

Know the pulse of buyers. Get well-acquainted with the modern themes and trends in book writing and know what readers are attracted to in reading the most. The cover page is the first opportunity to be visible and please the buyers. If you fail there, even the best written content of yours won’t find a reader. So, the façade matters even in EBooks!

Don’t forget those days when you would buy a physical book after reading its backside summary. Make sure the title is highly impactful and triggers curiosity in the minds of visitors. The extract that you write for your EBook should neither be a tell-all nor an extremely vague thing. Moreover, make sure you are writing on something that is amiable to the mindset of readers. Nobody likes to read the type of story that was read by the generation of your forefathers. Sticking to a theme matters a lot; your book shouldn’t be a mishmash of many different themes. There is a difference between intriguing the readers and confusing them.

Distributing Free EBooks

The next thing is the channel of marketing. Make sure your EBook is there on Amazon, the largest and the most popular online retailer. Don’t shy away from placing your EBook on free EBook websites. Cheap things aren’t always of low quality.

When you are a ‘nobody’ in the industry, adopting cheaper means of marketing your book works. You can only ask for a price when you are already known and liked. The more your book is read and appreciated, the better it is for you. So, be generous with the first few weeks or months until your popularity score is something to reckon with.


Just like you would read a book if your friend suggested it, the same goes for reviews for online books. Garnering reviews on your blog for your E Book is a great way to market your book. Don’t be afraid of negative comments.

You can always deliberate on those and make the outcome or the conclusion in your favor. Sometimes, negative reviews prompt many a reader to dig into the matter and actually read your book. So, welcome all kinds of reviews and a lot of them. Reviews are a great way to make your EBook popular and improve online sales.

Email Marketing

Email marketing works too, but make sure you don’t bombard the email recipients. Gone are the days when emails would be cherished and each one of them would be read. Draft a single but highly effective email so that there are no chances of it going unread.

Formatting your email so that you get a ‘read receipt’ when the recipient clicks on it will help you find out whether the subject of your email was impactful or not. Check the traffic of the web link that you post on the email meant for marketing. Compare the read receipts and the web link traffic to calculate the conversion ratio at each step. This way you will know how effective each step of your EBook marketing is.

Getting Social Works for EBooks Too

Promoting your EBook through social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and others are a great way and in fact, the most effective way to promote your EBook. If you are an author, set up a blog on Facebook and interact with your readers regularly. There’s no stopping you from succeeding when you do this.

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